Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday, July 20th, 2008

Here is the update for this week.

Dad is still working on many of the same tasks that he was last week. The next level of therapy will just take a little longer to accomplish because it is so much harder. It will be good to see him 'get over that hump' and move forward. I expect that will happen pretty soon since his physical therapist yesterday (Jill) said that he was so close to moving his right leg when walking. In case you haven't been following the blog, the things he is working on are moving the right leg when walking--he has moved it before, but some days are harder than others. He is also making good progress on moving his arm--especially the bicep and tricep muscles. The speech therapy is going well, that part takes a little longer but I expect that since Dad works so hard it is just a matter of time until he is talking again.

Yesterday Mary Brooke and I spent the day with dad. We went down to the cafeteria for lunch together and had chili dogs and french fries. We had a good time. I am getting ready to take the kids (and Scott) down to have dinner with Dad tonight. He loves to see his grandkids.

Thanks for your prayers!
Britney Rice (Don's daughter)

1 comment:

Miracle4Don said...

what amazing progress Don is making. It won't be long before he will able to get around on his own! God is amazing.